
In 2016, life happens in an instant. They say if you build something and you build it right. The people will come. This may or may not be true. However, I’m reading this book “Karma is Negotiable-Destiny and the Divine Power of Love”. I came to this book, by the way of a special life changing friend, by way of Jesus.

It’s true. I met this man at church a few years ago and he mailed me the book. Talk about a GIFT! What a gift. It continues to make me think about how we all have “gifts” to offer life. We get stuck on the details and what we “don’t have”. Instead of just “doing”. Action conquers everything. I found myself just “sitting there” a few days ago. I had ample time to get a lot done. And I just wasted it. This is time I can’t get back. So I value every moment. Even the sucky ones. Life is impermeable.

When I am in the “streets” in life. I run into people that tell me “You should be…” and I wonder, all about them. I wonder, do they feel the same way about themselves. To the tune of “I should be”.

Like at this moment in life ” I should be”. What should I be doing? What do I like to do? How will I move my life forward? I ponder these questions all the time. At the same time, I know I am “living the dream”. Life is “moving on up”. I’m giving it “almost my best”. Meaning, some days, I only feel like giving it 80% lol. But 80% on a consistent basis is major progress when compounded.

Everything in life is progress when “compounded”. When taken over time. All of our “perceptions” are different. At the same time, our “perceptions” change. That’s the beauty and growth of life. If you get to live. So sad but true.

For example: I recently read this article about a note written on the a Starbucks cup.  At prima facia, I immediately thought it was pretty funny. “Diabetes Here I Come!” That was hilarious! I don’t feel like the barista met any maliciousness or harm. However, after I read it. I had compassion for the man and thought about his “perspective”. His experiences in life have been “completely” different. Two sisters with Diabetes…what are the odds?

Which leads me to the thought of “health”. Health is everything. The days you live “Compound” to your future. If this was “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse”.   The “word” for the day would be “Compound”. As in “Compound Interest”.

Life “Compounds” the same way interest does. You take “you” at birth and then you put “experiences” and “learning” on top of “you” compounded by years of living. Creates a different “value” in all of us. But no matter what, we should be “worth more”. How do you manage your “worth”? and what does that mean to you? I’d be interested in hearing your perspective, if you are reading this.


Jen Lyles
Jen Lyles

Welcome to my Party! By trade, I am Entrepreneur. In life I am the “Lead Ignitor”. This means, I get things “started”, in motion, moving forward in a great direction! I am in fact “Living the Dream”. So, since I live mine, I like to help people with theirs. Let's Party!

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